Prof. Dr. Didier DIETSCHI
D.M.D, PhD, Private-Docent
Celodenní přednáška na téma:
Biomechanically fragilized teeth: how to improve their survival by proper restorative design and material selection
Treatment planning and use of composite in the smile frame: From 1 to 3D protocols or how to judiciously combine analog and digital workflows
► DATUM KONÁNÍ26.5. 2023
► PROGRAMPozn. Simultánní překlad zajištěn
► DOPROVODNÝ PROGRAM25.5. 2023 od 19:00 -24:00, CLUB PASSAGE, hotel Passage, BEFORE PARTY – neformální setkání s malým občerstvením za doprovodu: YES BLUES acoustic Pozn. Nutná registrace, omezená kapacita!
► CENAV ceně celodenní přednášky je zahrnuto občerstvení: 2 coffee breaky a oběd formou servírovaného menu. Ceny jsou uvedeny vč. DPH. Bude zažádáno o kredity ČSK. Storno podmínky: 14 dní a více předem: 0 %, 3 až 13 dní předem: 50 % z účastnického poplatku, 2 dny a méně před akcí: 100 % z účastnického poplatku Přihláška je přenosná, po nahlášení na může zastoupit jiná osoba
Didier Dietschi | Přednáška | 26.5. 2023 | Brno
Treatment planning and use of composite in the smile frame:
From 1 to3D protocols or how to judiciously combine analog and digital workflows.
Lecture General Synopsis
A key to successful application of Free-Hand Bonding, alike to any other restorative project, is a detailed but proportionate treatment planning approach. As for function and biology, there is realistically no standardized esthetic diagnosis protocol. Then, depending on the extent of form or dimension/proportions enhancements, the selective use of different analog or digital tools will allow the clinician to create a precise esthetic project. Available methods include, individually or simultaneously, the use of a caliper, 2D imaging with lines drawn over the smile within Power Point or keynote software, the use of digital templates (only lines of full tooth rendering) an finally 3D imaging. In addition, a waxup and mockup can be used to foresee extra- or intra-orally the new smile configuration in advanced cases.
This program will present a realistic rationale to program esthetic cases with reliability and efficiency; a rich clinical documentation will illustrate this topic.
Biomechanically fragilized teeth: how to master the clinical challenge?
General Synopsis
The reduction in the carious disease has directed our restorative efforts toward new pathologies such as tooth wear or bio-mechanical failures of non-adhesively restored posterior teeth, related to extended periods of function and parafunctions. The bio-mechanicals implications of normal and abnormal occlusal stresses on fragilized teeth represents then a considerable clinical challenge in today’s dentistry as we strive for more conservative and durable treatment strategies.
Optimal restorative scenarios will then rely on proper evaluation of the residual tooth structure quality (vitality or non-vitality), pulpal status (absence of symptom absence or pain to pressure, sensitivity to cold or pulpitis), amount of hard tissues loss and presence / extent of cracks to assess which material, preparation approach and restorative technique shall be applied. Direct and indirect techniques have to be used, depending on the aforementioned criteria, with or without preparation, depending on the tooth stabilization and reinforcement needs.
This program will overview diagnosis elements, decision criteria and clinical protocols related to the various, specific bio-mechanical conditions of the “cracked tooth syndrome” and non-vital teeth.
Short Biography
Dietschi Didier, DMD
Dr Didier Dietschi was licensed in 1984 and got his doctoral and Privat Docent degrees in 1988 and 2004, respectively, at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He also got a PhD degree in 2003 at the University of ACTA, Netherlands.
Dietschi Didier, DMD
Dr Didier Dietschi was licensed in 1984 and got his doctoral and Privat Docent degrees in 1988 and 2004, respectively, at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He also got a PhD degree in 2003 at the University of ACTA, Netherlands. Following a 6-year period of full time teaching and research activity in Operative Dentistry and Periodontology, he started a part time activity in a private office in Geneva, dedicated to aesthetic restorative dentistry. He holds now positions of adjunct Professor at CASE Western University (USA) and senior lecturer at the University of Geneva.
Dr. Dietschi has published over 125 clinical and scientific papers and book chapters on adhesive and aesthetic restorations; he also co-authored the book “Adhesive Metal-free Restorations”, edited in 1997 by Quintessence and translated in 7 languages. His new 2volume textbook entitled “TOOTH WEAR – Interceptive treatment approach with minimally invasive protocols” is due to be launched early 2023.
Dr. Dietschi is internationally acclaimed for his theoretical and practical teaching programs on adhesive & aesthetic restorations.